Bill Sample has compiled the following list of existing New Haven Railroad Locomotive and self-propelled passenger equipment, as of the winter of 2005.  The list now includes several updates courtesy of participants on the NHRHTA New Haven Railroad Forum, particularly Dave Santos and Jaap Van Dorp.

If you have comments, additions, or corrections to this list, please post your information on the NHRHTA New Haven Railroad Forum.

Thanks to Bill for his hard work in compiling this list, and to everyone on the Forum who have helped to update this list!


Part I - Locomotives

NHRR No. Current No. Location Description
- B&P 17 - “Daniel Nason”  NMOT Boston & Providence 4-4-0 steam engine,  later Old Colony #170.
1 ?  NMOT B uilt by GE in 1893 as 650 volt DC only; Built for Columbian Exposition then sold to Manufacturers RR 12/1896; in 1901 rebuilt by GE c/n 1607; Once fell through open draw into the Quinnipiac River when Tomlinson bridge opened unexpectedly; Sold to Joe Cushing RR as #1 in 1905
300 CR 4601 RMNE-V EF-4 “brick”, awaiting restoration
304 VGN 135 VMT E33C restored to Virginian appearance, static display
0401 NH 0401 RMNE–V DER-2a (FA-1), restoration underway
0428 LIRR 617 DRM DER-2a (FA-1), awaiting restoration
529 NH 529 RMNE-N DERS-2c (RS-3), in service
640 PHL 36 Long Beach, CA DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to Pacific Harbor Line, Long Beach, CA
641 NS ? Altoona DEY-7 (SW1200), stored at last report
642 ? ? DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to C&F Loco's, Blackshear, GA
643 BRW 1202 Ringoes, NJ DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to Black River & Western
644 ? ? DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to Agri 2000, Roseland, NE
645 NS ? ? DEY-7 (SW1200), stored at last report (March 2003)
646 MBCX 301 ? DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to Materials Brokerage Corp., Duluth, MN
647 ADM 9370 ADM DEY-7 (SW1200), in service, ADM Grain, Mound City IL
649 NBSR 3701 Canada DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to New Brunswick Southern Railway
650 L&I 9373 NY&A DEY-7 (SW1200), in service, New York & Atlantic, ex L&I
652 L&I 9373 ADM DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to ADM/Collingwood Grain, Dodge City, KS
653 ? West Palm Beach, FL DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to Inter Rail Transport, West Palm Beach, FL
654 RRS L212 Perth Amboy, NJ DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to Raritan River Steel Co., Perth Amboy, NJ
655 PHL 37 Long Beach, CA DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to Pacific Harbor Line, Long Beach, CA
658 PHL 38 Long Beach, CA DEY-7 (SW1200), sold to Pacific Harbor Line, Long Beach, CA
0670 CNZR 0670 CNZR DERS-1b (RS-1), in service, painted NH orange/green
0803*  MSA 134? Mexico DEY-4 (44 tonner), Veracruz State Museum
0813*  Tilcon 7355 Reeds Gap DEY-4 (44 tonner), in service, East Wallingford, CT
1203 ? ? DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8707, sold to NREX, status unknown
1205 LAMCO 401 Liberia DERS-4 (GP9), stored/derelict in Liberia, West Africa
1206 ? ? DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8714, sold to NREX, status unknown
1208 CAGY 8715 CAGY DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8715, sold to Columbus & Greenville, MS
1209 BVRY ? BVRY DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8730, sold to Brandywine Valley, PA
1212 BVRY ? BVRY DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8706, sold to Brandywine Valley, PA
1213 QC GG3 Quebec, Canada DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8732, sold to Quebec Central
1215 LAMCO 402 Liberia DERS-4 (GP9), stored/derelict in Liberia, West Africa
1218 JTPX 1803 ? DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8719, sold to JTPX (Joseph Transportation)
1219 LIRC 1801 LIRC DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8716, sold to Louisville & Indiana
1224 CAGY 8718 CAGY DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8718, sold to Columbus & Greenville, MS
1225 SWP 2003 AVR DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8705, to SW Penn, now at Allegheny Valley
1226 SCFE 9030 SCFE DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8731, sold to South Central Florida
1227 POHC 8712 POHC DERS-4 (GP9), now GP11, IC 8712, sold to Pittsburgh & Ohio Central
1229 CNZR 905 CNZR  DERS-4 (GP9), awaiting repair, painted SEMTA (Michigan)
1402 PC 7662 DRM DERS-5 (RS-11), restoration underway
2000 LIRR 301 Harmon EDER-5 (FL9ac) “Starship” rebuild, out of service
2003 LIRR 300 Harmon EDER-5 (FL9ac) “Starship” rebuild, out of service
2005 NH 2002 RMNE–N EDER-5 (FL9), stored (CDOT owned, on loan)
2007 NH 2026 CDOT EDER-5 (FL9m), in service
2010 ME 485 M&E EDER-5 (FL9), ex Amtrak 485
2013 ME 486 M&E EDER-5 (FL9), ex Amtrak 486
2014 ME 487 M&E EDER-5 (FL9), ex Amtrak 487
2015 NH 2027 CDOT EDER-5 (FL9m), in service
2016 ME 488 M&E EDER-5 (FL9), ex Amtrak 488
2017 MN 2003 Harmon EDER-5 (FL9), reportedly retired, to be scrapped
2018 CCV 2028 C&CV EDER-5 (FL9), sold to Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley
2019 ADIR 2029 ADIR EDER-5 (FL9), sold to Adirondack
2020 MN 2044 Harmon EDER-5 (FL9ac) "Starship" rebuild, stored out of service
2021 ME 489 M&E EDER-5 (FL9), ex Amtrak 489
2022 MN 2042 Harmon EDER-5 (FL9ac) "Starship" rebuild, stored out of service
2023 MN 2041 Harmon EDER-5 (FL9ac) "Starship" rebuild, stored out of service
2024 MN 2005 Harmon EDER-5 (FL9), reportedly retired, to be scrapped
2026 NH 2006 DRM EDER-5 (FL9), on display (CDOT owned, on loan)
2029 ME 484 M&E EDER-5 (FL9), ex Amtrak 491 then 484
2031 ADIR 2007 ADIR EDER-5s (FL9), sold to Adirondack
2033 MN 2008 MN EDER-5a (FL9), in service
2034 MN 2040 Harmon EDER-5a (FL9ac) "Starship" rebuild, stored out of service
2037 CCV 2010 C&CV EDER-5a (FL9), sold to Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley
2038 NH 2011 CDOT EDER-5a (FL9m), in service
2039 NYC 2012 MN EDER-5a (FL9), in service, painted in NYC lighting stripes
2040 NYC 2013 DRM EDER-5a (FL9), on display, painted in NYC lightning stripes
2041 NH 2014 CDOT EDER-5a (FL9m), in service
2042 MN 2043 Harmon EDER-5a (FL9ac) "Starship" rebuild, stored out of service
2043 MN 2015 Harmon EDER-5a (FL9), out of service
2044 NH 2016 CDOT EDER-5a (FL9m), in service
2045 MN 2017 MN EDER-5a (FL9), in service
2047 LIRR 302 Harmon EDER-5a (FL9ac), “Starship” rebuild, out of service
2048 ADIR 2018 ADIR EDER-5a (FL9), sold to Adirondack
2049 NH 2019 RMNE–N EDER-5a (FL9), stored (CDOT owned, on loan)
2052 ADIR 2031 ADIR EDER-5a (FL9), sold to Adirondack
2053 MN 2020 Harmon EDER-5a (FL9), stored out of service
2054 MN 2021 Harmon EDER-5a (FL9), status unknown
2055 MN 2022 WMCCH EDER-5a (FL9), on display at the Westchester Medical Center Children’s Hospital
2056 MN 2046 Harmon EDER-5a (FL9ac), "Starship" rebuild, ex-MN 2032, stored out of service
2057 NH 2023 CERM EDER-5a (FL9), on display (CDOT owned, on loan)
2058 NH 2024 CDOT EDER-5a (FL9m), in service
2059 MN 2033 RMNE-N EDER-5a (FL9), awaiting restoration
2525 NH 2525 RMNE-N DERS-7 (U25B), stored awaiting repairs
2557 LAL 425 LA&L DERS-8 (C-425), in service on Livonia, Avon & Lakeville

Part II - Self-Propelled Railcars


NHRR No. Current No. Location Description
15 SRS DRM FCD Mack Railbus, awaiting restoration
18 SRS 403 Various FCD Mack Railbus, converted to Sperry Rail Service car, continues in rail testing service
21 LNAC 9802 LNAC RDC-1, stored, for sale
23 NYSW M5 NYSW RDC-1, in service, usually in Syracuse, NY
32 NH 32 DRM RDC-1, in service
33 ? NHC RDC-1, North Stratford, NH, privately owned, for sale
37 NYSW M6 NYSW RDC-1, in service, usually in Syracuse, NY
40 BHR 9167 BHR RDC-1, in service, Bellefonte (PA) Historical RR
41 NH 41 DRM RDC-1, privately owned, in service
42 NH 42 OCFR RDC-1, named “Firestone”, on display
43 NYSW M7 NYSW RDC-1, in service, usually in Syracuse, NY
47 NH 47 DRM RDC-1, stored
48 LNAC 9801 LNAC RDC-1, stored, for sale
121 ARR 711 ARR RDC-2, in service
126 ARR 701 ARR RDC-3, in service
129 ARR 702 ARR RDC-3, in service
140 NH 140 DRM Roger Williams” cab coach, in service
141 NH 141 DRM Roger Williams” cab coach, in service
162 NH 162 DRM Roger Williams” coach, in service


4670 MN 2670 ??? EMU “Washboard” combine, ex MN work car
4671 MN 017 DRM EMU “Washboard” combine, ex MN work car
4673 MN 018 DRM EMU “Washboard” combine, ex MN work car
5111 NH 5111 RMNE-V EMU “Washboard” club car